By Laura Wilmot

For a few years now, yoga, whether its philosophy or its physical practice, has been more and more present. Practicing for my part daily for several years and since I will soon be a teacher, I chose to talk to you today about a discipline of yoga for which I had a great crush, hoping you will make you want to the less you risk there once!


Acroyoga. Mixture of yoga (you guessed it), some acrobatics, stretching and the most enjoyable for the end: massages.


What I really like about acro yoga is its unifying effect, creating a community (of course not in times of a global pandemic), but on Facebook, for example, we find groups in every city, where people give each other meeting points to make "jams". There is therefore no need to have a partner to try the experience! 


For example, during a 4 month internship in Europe, I found a group that met every week to practice together in a park. That’s what I like so much, it’s accessible to everyone and I love practicing outdoors! 

 Of course, I won't hide from you that having certain basics helps a lot. Despite the fact that we cannot get together at the moment, it is in my opinion the perfect time to learn about acro yoga if we are lucky enough to be confined to two (or three or four ...) 


For my part, I follow classes (there are now 4 sets available) via the Elevation Yoga site which offers a very educational formula that includes several videos with stretches, different acro yoga postures starting with the postures of basics obviously while evolving. The progression is very rewarding in the practice of acro yoga and their videos help to encourage local people since yoga studios like many other sports centers have no other choice but to reinvent themselves lately. 


For the more self-taught, youtube is full of videos explaining basic postures and different "flows", however I would like to remind you of the importance of being safe in your practice. One way to get started could be to dress the family in snow pants, hats, mittens and try out some postures in the snow in order to have a protective mat. Fun guaranteed! 


This practice also helps to create beautiful connections, promote effective communication, build trust and get moving with someone.


I will leave you with some basic postures to inspire you!


Don't forget to warm up before :) 

1. Bird pose 

2. Flesh pose

3. High Flying wale


Good Yoga xx


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1 comment

Ça donne vraiment envie d’essayer pour donner une autre dimension à sa pratique du yoga !
Chouettes photos !

Nanou Hoggart

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